
Sam & Sylvia Resnick

In Loving Memory


Sam Memories of WWII  

Sam's Induction into

The French Legion of Honor

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Watercolor #2


Watercolor #1


Watercolor #3


Street Dedication


French Legion of Honor


Three people have had a part in this painting. Joan, Sylvia, and myself.  

Before we were married, Joan was living in Washington, D.C., and we frequently visited the Smithsonian. There was a long “people mover” (flat escalator) underground between two of the art museums. I took a black and white photograph of this, which my Mom really liked. She then made this painting based on the photograph. 

This painting is hanging in my office, with patients having quite varied interpretations. Some negative, some positive.

Some see darkness with faceless people. 

Some see people emerging from a wondrous light.


This is a very old photograph, it's from a family wedding around 1928.  The little boy in white, near the middle, is Sam, his parents, Toby and Israel are above him